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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy?

 The Balkanista  

Did you know that by the end of 2020 there were about 2.7 million residential solar systems in the United States? If you are considering adding solar to your home but are asking yourself “what are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy?” we are here to help you. 

Read on to learn more in our solar energy guide. 


One of the major advantages of solar energy is that it reduces your power bill every month. With utility costs on the rise, having your home powered by the sun can significantly drop your bills. In some cases, you might even receive credits or get paid by your local power company for any surplus energy that your panels produce that your home doesn’t use. 

Another advantage of solar power is that it is environmentally friendly. It is a renewable and clean source. When you opt for solar power, you will reduce the emissions that you put out into the environment. 

If these advantages all sound great to you, we recommend that you learn more about installing solar in your own home.


One major con with solar is the costs upfront to install your system. Although, initial costs have dropped in pricing, the costs are still fairly high. If you do not have all the money upfront, you can finance your system, but keep in mind that you will have to pay interest on your loan. 

The key is to do the math to see if financing will save you money over the term of the loan in comparison with your average monthly utility bill. 

Another disadvantage is that before you install your system, you have to have an approved permit from your local government office. Depending on how strict your local government is, you will have to wait weeks or sometimes even months for approval. 

One last disadvantage worth mentioning is that not every roof meets the criteria for solar. You will need to have a professional come out and evaluate if your roof can handle the solar panels. They will also assess if your roof is facing the best direction to get power from the sun. 

Usually, the ideal home for solar has a large roof facing south, and it has zero obstructions such as skylights or vent pipes. If you have a lot of trees, or you do not see much sun throughout the day, then your home might not be an ideal candidate for solar energy. 

Now You Know What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Now that you know what are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, you can make an informed decision on whether solar is for you or not. If you decide to move forward with adding solar panels to your home, make sure you choose a reputable solar installer. 

If our article helped you out, please continue browsing this section for our latest home tips and tricks. 

/The Balkanista!

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