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20 Unique Baby Names for Your Baby Girl

218 Modern Baby Girl Names - Baby Chick

Choose an original name for your one-of-a-kind baby! Here are some lovely unique names to consider:

  1. Aminah. This Arabic girl’s name means “feel safe.” It was the name of the prophet Muhammad’s mother. To choose another spelling that’s unique, opt for Aamina, Aaminah, or Amina.
  2. Belinda. Although the meaning behind this name is uncertain, it may stem from the Italian word bella, which means beautiful, and the German word lind, which means gentle. The name was popularized in the 17th century by poet Alexander Pope.
  3. Chantria. In the Khmer language, this girl’s name means “moonlight.” What a magical choice for your daughter.
  4. Cinzia. The Italian form of Cynthia has a unique ring to it, especially since it’s prounced with a ch sound. Cynthia comes from the ancient Greek word, meaning “woman from Kynthos.” It was also another name for Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon.
  5. Cressida. In mythology, Cressida was a Trojan woman who leaves her lover. Shakespeare’s play Troilus and Cressida is based on this story.0
  6. Dionne. This name is the female form of Dion, which is a short form of Dionysios, the Greek god of wine. However, you don’t have to be a wine aficionada to appreciate or choose this unique name for your little lady.
  7. Haruko. In Japanese, this name means “spring child,” making it a great choice if your daughter is born during spring. The name can be shortened to Yoko or Youko.
  8. Houda. In Arabic, this name means “right guidance.” It can also be spelled Huda or Hooda.
  9. Imani. Of Arabic origin, this Swahili name simply means “faith.”
  10. Inez. This name is the English form of the name Ines, Spanish for Agnes, which in Greek means “chaste.” That’s a rather convoluted history, but the name is worth it for its uniqueness.
  11. Jacinta. This is the Spanish and Portuguese form of the name Hyacinthus, which has Greek origins and is simmilar to the name of a fragrant spring flower. It’s a lovely name for a little girl.
  12. Luella. This very modern name is a contraction of the names Lou and Ella. In fact, a variant spelling is Louella. If you’d like to pay tribute to a family member with the name Louis or Ella, this may be an extra special choice.
  13. Mercedes. You may not have known that Mercedes is actually a Spanish female name and not just an automobile manufacturer. The name means “mercies,” and is derived from one of the titles given to the Virgin Mary.
  14. Minnie. This adorable name is the diminutive of Wilhelmina, the female form of Wilhelm, the German form of William. Although Wilhelmina is noble-sounding choice, Minnie is a super cute option as well.
  15. Nadine. The French form of Nadia, which comes from the Slavic name Nadezhda, meaning “hope.”
  16. Odilia. This name has German roots that mean “wealth” or “fatherland.” It’s also the name of the patron saint of Alsace, France. Saint Odilia was said to have been born blind but gained her sight after her baptism. If you’re having twins, you might like to pair this name with Ophelia or Olivia for the perfect rhyming twin names.
  17. Preethi. In Sanskrit this name means pleasure, joy, or love. Variant spellings include Priti or Preeti. Another way the name is unique is that it sounds like the word “pretty,” making it ideal for your little girl.
  18. Rosalind. Derived from the German words that mean horse and soft, the name was brought to England by the Normans. Another form of the name is Rosalinda, which means beautiful rose in Latin. Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare both used the name in their writings.
  19. Tien. This Vietnamese girl’s name means “immortal,” “transcendent,” “celestial being,” or “fairy”—what a special name for your little girl.
  20. Timea. This name has Romanian, Slovak, and Hungarian origins, and is based on a Greek word that means “cheerfulness.” It would make a lovely name for your cheerful baby.
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