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Cat Breeds – American Curl Cat Breed

American Curl

SizeSmall to MediumWeightMale: 7 to 10 pounds, Female: 5 to 8 poundsCoatShort, Semi-longColorWhite, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, lilac, silver, golden, plus various patterns and shadings

With unique ears that curl back, and an inquisitive expression reminiscent of happy surprise, the American Curl brings a smile to everyone who meets her.


A friendly, people-oriented breed, American Curls are known as the Peter Pan of cats because they retain their kitten-like personality throughout life. With her outstanding temperament, the Curl makes an affectionate soulmate and easily adjusts to other pets and children.


The American Curl has distinctive curled ears that form a graceful arc, giving her an alert, perky expression. In addition to their ears, Curls are known for their silky, flat coat which can be long or short.


13+ years


The American Curl’s coat can be brown, white, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, lilac, silver or golden, with various patterns and shadings.


The American Curl has two coat varieties: shorthair and longhair. Both coats are low-shedding.

Like other shorthaired breeds, shorthair Curls need only weekly brushing, while longhair Curls should be brushed twice a week to help reduce matting and tangles.


Due to a large gene pool, the American Curl is a generally healthy breed with no common genetic health issues. However, her ears should be checked and cleaned often to prevent infection.

Best Cat Food for American Curl Cats & Kittens

American Curls will generally thrive on the nutrition of a quality adult cat food. For Curls who need help with weight management, consider a healthy weight formula.  

American Curl kittens should eat a kitten food for their first year of life to aid in their growth and development.

American Curl - Wikipedia


The American Curl is a pedigree breed with humble beginnings—specifically a stray, longhaired black female cat with curled ears who showed up (and decided to stay) at the Lakewood, California home of Joe and Grace Ruga in 1981.

Shulamith, as she was named, is the original American Curl to which all pedigreed Curls can be traced. When she gave birth to curl-eared kittens about six months later, the debate about the genetic origins of the “novelty” ears began, followed by a selective breeding program to develop a show breed.

Renowned feline geneticist Roy Robinson analyzed data from 81 litters (383 kittens), and found that the ear-curling gene is autosomal dominant, so a cat with even one copy of the gene will show the trait.


  • American Curl kittens are born with straight ears that begin to curl backward after three to five days.


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