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20 Unique Baby Names for Your Baby Boy

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Choose a name that’s different and original for your baby boy. Here are some unique names to inspire you:

  1. Anders. This modern-sounding name is the Scandinavian form of Andrew. It’s a great choice, for example, if you’d like to name your son after a family member his who’s named Andrew, but want it to be slightly different.
  2. Axel. The medieval Danish form of Absalom, which means “my father is peace” in Hebrew, Axel can also be spelled Aksel, another unique variation.
  3. Bertram. Meaning “bright raven” in German, this name was introduced to the English-speaking world by the Normans. It also features in Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well.
  4. Ciaran. Irish in origin, Ciaran is pronounced with a k sound and can also be spelled Kieran. It’s a diminutive of Ciar, which means “black” in Irish.
  5. Deacon. Originally a surname, as well as the term for a clerical position in the church, Deacon also makes a great first name that connotes strength and wholesomeness.
  6. Egon. German in origin, Egon means “edge of a sword”—a unique name for a boy that connotes bravery.
  7. Farley. Originally a surname, Farley means “fern clearing” in Old English. Nature lovers will appreciate this unique name.
  8. Geoffrey. This is the original spelling of the now more common boy’s name Jeffrey. A French Norman name, Geoffrey was popular in the Middle Ages as well as common among the English nobility.
  9. Homer. Ancient Greek literature buffs will know that Homer refers to the epic poet who is thought to have written the Iliad and the Odyssey. Fans of pop culture will undoubtedly think this name refers to the animated sitcom character. Whichever your reason for choosing this name, it’ll definitely be a unique name for your boy.
  10. Iskander. This is the Malay, Indonesian, and Arabic form of Alexander, which means “defender of men” in Greek. A very respectable meaning for a strong-willed boy.
  11. Jamal. This name means beautiful in Arabic — what a perfect name for your beautiful little boy.
  12. Kahlil. Meaning “friend” in Arabic, Kahlil (more commonly spelled Khalil) was the name of the famous Lebanese-American poet, artist, and philosopher Kahlil Gibran, author of The Prophet.
  13. Keoni. The Hawaiian form of John, Keoni has a unique ring and would be a classic choice.
  14. Rakesh. In Sanskrit, this boy’s name translates to “lord of the full moon.” Its celestial meaning evokes a hint of mysticism.
  15. Santiago. This name comes from the Spanish words santo and yago, which mean Saint James. Many cities in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking nations have this name. James is also the patron saint of Spain. Whether you want to celebrate your Hispanic heritage or just like a name with history, choose Santiago. And you can use the nickname Diego (Spanish) or Tiago (Portuguese) for your little son.
  16. Stone. This is the English form of the Swedish name Sten, which, in fact, means “stone.” If you’d like your son’s name to evoke strength, choose Stone.
  17. Tariq. This name of Arabic origin means “he who knocks at the door.” It’s also the Arabic name for the morning star. Either definition is unique. The name can also be spelled Tarek or Tarik.
  18. Yoshi. This Japanese name means “good luck,” “righteous,” and “respectable,” making it a great name for a boy who means everything to you.
  19. Yves. A medieval French name, Yves also has a nice modern ring to it, despite it dating back many thousands of years.
  20. Zeke. As the short form of Ezekiel, which means “God will strengthen” in Hebrew, Zeke feels more playful, and could be ideal for a boy with a big personality.


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